Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is ridiculous

You must see this.

Please let us know what you think....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Track Suits Baby

Thats right ladies and gentlemen... Brian and Rob were rocking the track suits for a night on the town.

We ate dinner at Dave and Busters, and then went to see the new Rambo movie. Safe to say we were a little jazzed up for the movie.

It was an enchanted night that I won't soon forget.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Busy busy

We like to keep people in we don't blog often. (or we're just lazy bloggers)
Heres whats been going on lately...

We got back from Jersey, and Brian's Mom Sally came out for a visit with her friend Deb. We had a great time hanging out with them (and eating yummy meals). Hopefully they had a great time as well! You can check out pics at Sally's page.

Here's us at North Shore.
Us eating Shave Ice.

Here's some pictures of the insane waves they have been getting up in North Shore. They even had all the beaches closed down this day. I don't think the pics really do the waves justice..they were over 25ft & coming up onto the road.

While Sally was here she gave me a sewing lesson. Here is my 1st creation. A hawaiian scrub top.

And I finished this one up just after Sally left.

Nice huh? I've also been sewing other things around the house...puttin that machine to good use

Today I went to a baby shower at White Plains Beach and there was a Hawaiian Monk Seal snoozin in the sun.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Years Eve 2008 at Hollywood

Key Largo, Montego, baby why dont we go...

My dad and I decided to go to Florida for Thanksgiving to get away... we spent time with close friends of his Renee & Mario in Ft. Lauderdale by the Sea, and then we drove through Miami, and went down to the Keys, and spent time in Key Largo & Marathon. We were invited to have Thanksgiving dinner at the house of the owners of the resort we were staying at at the time, so we did...surprisingly, we had a REALLY good time with complete strangers, they were very friendly! Here's some pics from our trip ...

Restaurant/bar next door to our place

My future condo, nice huh?

Fishing Pier

Completely random photo..we were on the fishing pier above when I noticed this crazy drunk girl. With beer in hand she was dramatically stripping for any passerby with a, yea, of course I snapped her picture. Her response...she flashed me her fine bu-dunk-a-dunk (sp?)..SO I snapped another. Lucky you guys, right?

Pelican munchin' on a fish

My dad off the fishing pier

Cool pirate store

My dad way out there

South beach. But I don't think its the south beach..

South Beach

Sunset in Key Largo

The bay in Key Largo

Sitting on this hammock made me feel like I was in a Corona commercial. Esp when 2 guys came out and started playin their guitars..very random

Sunset at 7 Mile Bridge

7 Mile Bridge


Marathon Beach

We went to Coral Castle. This guy built this place many years ago with simple tools and no one to help...and him and his family actually lived there. Everything in there is made completely of coral.

This Florida shaped table was intended for the governor of FL to sit at

Me in a lounge chair

We also did a really cool kayak adventure in the everglades but I played it safe and didn't bring my camera, just in no pics, sorry.

I had a great time bonding with my dad, but unfortunately for him I think my lil' sister is gonna hang this trip over his head for a loooong time.

It's been a while.

You know I've been away for quite sometime.. unfortunately for awful reasons. My step-mom Pat passed away on November 8th, after a long battle with breast cancer. She is loved and will be missed by many! I know I have a very special angel watching over me, and I have a lot of wonderful memories to cherish.