Friday, October 16, 2009

I almost forgot

I have been waiting to post this picture, and almost forgot. I couldn't post it because I found
the picture before we told everyone about the pregnancy.

I found this gem in the waiting area of Rach's OB's office. It is a little twist on the traditional baby photo. I personally think this picture rocks, and before you even ask, yes I will be recreating this photo with my two babies. I was thinking I would rock my dog tags and aviators to spice it up, and give it a Maverick feel. What do you think?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baby A & Baby B

I think the Ultrasound Tech has ice running through her veins, because somehow she said with a stone cold face, "Ok... here is baby number one... and baby number two." She didn't try to warn us or break the news in any kind of funny way. I guess it wouldn't have mattered since Rach was crying before she said "baby number two."

But here are the pictures you have been waiting for:

Baby A is laying on his/her back and sucking his/her thumb.

Baby B is kinda on his/her side sticking his/her little butt out.

We could see both little hearts pumping 155 bpm, and they were both moving their arms and legs. It was pretty amazing.

Rach is 12 weeks along, and due on April 23rd. Hopefully she lasts close to that long.

Thanks for all the congratulations and prayers.