Saturday, August 04, 2007

New Flip-Flops

Or shoud I say Slippers since we are in Hawaii? But anyways... we went shopping for new sandals and we saw these and Rach was like "Yea but they are like 30 bucks."

And then we noticed what was on the bottom on them.

Thats right...BOTTLE OPENERS on the bottom. I have to admit that the first trial run ended with me cleaning up a spill all over the kitchen floor. But they are both comfortable and practical. I like em.


{natalie} said...

those are some awesome flippies. (yes, i'm turning into mom)

in the "slippers" book we bought for kade there, i change slippers to flipflops when i read it to him. i don't want him getting confused.

*ethan* said...

those are like those heelies shoes for adults!!

*ethan* said...

ps don't you just want to punch any adult in the face who does wear those F'ing shoes??!!