When Bri's hair is wet, he looks a lot like the kid from Jerry Maguire, Jonathan Lipnicki. What do you think?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Resemblance? You tell me.
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 7:18 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Fav Pics from Trip to NJ
I was just going through my Photobucket album when I was doing the last blog and I found these pics. I have deemed them my favorites from our trip home in Feb.
I dont think I really need to comment much on this picture. It works on many different levels, because it really captures the essence of who we are as a couple, but its up to the viewer to decide how.
Ohhh Addison what a cutie you are. Its too bad you arent coming to hawaii to hang out. I really think we made a connection while I was home (dont tell Ricker), but I think Im def the favorite uncle now. I thought the putting green would win Kade over, but apparently he likes my new kitties more than me.
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 9:42 AM 3 comments
Saturday Morning
We finally got new couches on Friday. Thank God. Nat and Ethan you should be thankful you wont have to sit on the torture devices we used to have for couches. But the new ones are nice. Four built in recliners, a built in cup holder, and the love seats are rocker/recliners. And I think they are micro-fiber or something like that so hopefully our cats wont be able to ruin them with their claws.
Saturday morning meant bathe time for the Kitties. They havent mastered the art of squatting properly when taking a crap or doing number one. So we find ourselves running after them trying to wipe butts. Yea its kinda gross. Nat, thats gonna be your job when you get here. So anyways yea this is what our kitties look like after a bathe.
And on that note we are making progress on the potty training. We moved the training aid up onto the toilet this morning (it was just on the floor next to the toilet for 2 days so they could get used to it). So, of course, directly after her shower Zoey was in the bathroom looking confused. So, Rach put her up there and she went right to work.
I am hoping things will continue to progress rapidly and we will have them crappin right in the toilet within 2 wks.
Lastly, here are some cute photos of the kitties playing around. Enjoy!
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 9:26 AM 4 comments
Monday, April 16, 2007
How much is that kitty in the window?
My girls also love their pampasan chair. . .
Note, the only time they cuddle each other is when their sleepy. Otherwise, it's an all out brawl.
As you can see, Zoey also loves her Daddy!
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 9:38 PM 4 comments
Finished product...well, sort of.
Okay...so minus some minor caulking, and a sealer. This baby is finished..and soon enough I won't have to shower at the dirty gym on base. (Ughhh!)
Now just imagine this with a different shade of paint (we think the current color is a shade too dark, and Bri thinks the bathroom as a whole is too "earthy"), and a new/matching shower curtain. Any paint suggestions?!
I think the hubby did a fantastic job!
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 9:25 PM 4 comments
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Our poor baby girl!
Well, when we got out kitten Zoey, the foster mother/KittenKare volunteer said to keep an eye on her incision (from getting spayed)..because it was semi-infected. It looked worse, so I took her to the Vet.
Lots of tears later...Yes, Zoey was crying & I was balling...who woulda thought I was such a softy?!?....Zoey leaves with antibiotics, and this...
We have to go back on Wednesday to see if its healing better, so please say a prayer for our little Zoey!
Our poor lil girl has to wear this contraption till then so she doesnt lick herself and infect it even more. (fyi- It has not completely stopped her from playing, she still does UFC matches with her sister on our bed at night..shes just at a slight disadvantage)
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 10:59 AM 7 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007
Hope this turns out how I imagined!!
So, we are remodeling our bathroom shower. Luckily Brian has a terribly handy friend. Thank you Rick!!! And thank you Amanda & Brayden for letting us borrow him!
We forgot to take a before, but u can partially see the semi-80's tiling in this pic.
Here is the bathroom in the destruction phase..
Hopefully I will be able to post beautiful "finished" pictures tomorrow! Especially since it makes my body cringe seeing my bathroom/house this messy. Say a prayer.
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Our new babies!!! Zoey & Chloe!
Here are our new kittens!!! We got them Thursday (April 12th). They are almost 10 weeks old. They are adorable.
Here is Zoey...As u can see, she made herself right at home
Here is Chloe...
And here they are together ...They had a long day of chasing fake mice all around the house, and from being scared with all the noise from the boys remodeling the bathroom..PLUS, I couldn't manage to catch an action shot of them (without a blurred image being displayed on the camera)
We adore them both!!
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 6:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Kitten Preparations
We are supposed to be adopting two new kittens on Friday. We have gone kitten shoppping three seperate times already in the past 5 days. Just wanted to pick up some things ya know... stuff you need for a kitten. Do you think we are ready?
Close up of all the crap we bought...
AND... the kitty toilet training kit (with instructional video) is in the mail. You know it!
Stay tuned...
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 5:49 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
Aww Snap
So this is Brian and Rachel here. Quick overview:
1. Rachel is sexy, smart, funny, and my sugar mama. (Masters in OT...chaching!)
2. Brian is ruggedly handsome, smart, witty, expert archer, and chinese checkers two time world champ. Still no college degree...god i suck.
3. We were born and raised in NJ (Gloucester County to be specific).
4. We have lived in Hawaii (together) for about a year now.
5. We got married about 2yrs 4months ago.
6. We bought our first home a year ago. Its a sweet little pad. Nothing special, buts it's OURS!
7. We want to adopt two little kittens in the very near future. Stay tuned for updates on that adventure.
8. We have traveled a bunch together.
9. We like: Lost, I Love New York, Heroes, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, American Chopper, Sopranos, The Office
She Likes and I Hate: Greys Anatomy, October Road, Desperate Housewives, Lifetime Movies, The Hills
I Like and She Hates: UFC, Dirty Jobs, ESPN, Deadwood, Mythbusters
10. Rach swore up and down I would LOOOVE the salmon she cooked tonight. I ate leftovers, and she ate her words. Thought she knew me better than that.
Thats it for now. Hope you enjoyed...especially you Nat! Im sure there will be more to come. Spread the word...there is a hot new blog in town. Hallowpoint OUT!
Posted by Rachel and Brian at 5:55 PM 6 comments